Reasons for PC freezes up

PC freezes up

Many people in the world having the problem that they are doing their work or preparing the report and their system stop responding and they are unable to do anything. This type of problem is technically called PC freezes up. I know you are also having the same problem of PC freezes up. But don’t worry 60% of the global population is facing PC freezes up problem.  For some people it may happen for once in month or rarely but for some it is happening once each day. And you have the idea how irritating condition is it. First thing I have to tell you don’t ignore this PC freezes up problem; it might lead to great dangerous issues. Ok! So start with the basics:

Suppose you are doing some work on system like browsing, playing media files, preparing some documents, etc. It can be any type of work. So while doing the work on PC, your system got hanged. Nothing is working, even mouse pointer is not moving and the only thing you can do is restart or force shutdown. So it is an interrupt, which stops all the process happening. It actually happens when CPU is not idle. It is very busy and not in condition to execute any process. It may be due to all the resources are exhausted up like no space on RAM, etc. These all conditions lead to PC freezes up.

Reason for PC freezes up Problem:

Bad Memory:

Maximum PC freezes up problem occurs due to bad memory or RAM (Random Access Memory). It is because all the process is running inside RAM only. And if your RAM is having some issues then definitely you will be going to face PC freezes up problem. It will lead to Fatal Exception Error; means the data you want to store it into hard disk can’t be retrieved.

Mother board issues:

It is also the major factor which will lead to PC freezes upsituation.  As we all know motherboard is the computer. All things mainly depend on motherboard. So if your motherboard is having issues like it is not clean from a long time or its components for e.g. Capacitors are not working properly, then they will definitely cause the PC freezes up problem.

BIOS Settings:

PC freezes up problem may be due to the some wrongly configured BIOS settings. All PC builders don’t build their own Motherboard, so they import the motherboards which come with widely applicable settings. These may be change by the PC building organizations or companies. But when CMOS battery goes off they are reverted to default. Then it may lead you to PC freezes up situation.

Corrupt Registry:  

Windows registries are the store where all the window settings are set and stored. So if your registry is corrupt or its settings are not set properly then there are chances of PC freezes up condition. It may also cause booting issues.

Corrupt or Wrong Drivers:

Drivers are responsible for the hardware component working. So if you have installed wrong drivers or your drivers got corrupted, then definitely lead to improper working of those specific hardware components. Hence it might lead to PC freezes up condition.

Hard Drive Problems:     

If hard drive health is bad or it is on the edge of crashing condition or it is already crashed. So, it may lead to both booting and freezing issues. It causes PC freezing up as when a process in CPU took place it needs the data from the memory, if it is not found in the memory then it accessed/copied from hard drive. But if hard drive is having some issues, then there may be the chances of PC freezing up. Mainly your boot files and other files are stored in hard drive only and if it is having some issues then it may be difficult to fetch. And if they are not fetching then may be PC will not work properly and hence PC freezes up.

Hardware Conflicts:

The common sources of PC freezes up are hardware conflicts. If your hardware is conflicting with each other, then windows got a message of this and then there are chances of PC freezes up. You can easily get to know if your PC is having hardware conflict or not. For it got to device manager, then if conflict exists you will see a yellow and black icon there. For more detailed information just view the properties.

Virus or Trojan:

A virus, Trojan or worm deletes the vital files, change administrative settings or uninstall drivers. Means Virus and Trojans can do anything. So it’s a small thing for them to make a situation of PC freezes up. Some are very dangerous they can even affect root also, so it means you will not be able to boot any OS and PC freezes up for lifetime.

Power issues:

Many times PC freezes up due to power issues. Like low voltage, wrong power output charger, fluctuation power supply, continuous charging for long hours. Due to which PC heats up and then PC freezes up.


Many software’s are there in market which are so heavy and use CPU resources devastatingly and then it will cause PC freezes up. Or it may due to many starts up software’s or programs. Like you are having many starts up software’s which will start as soon as OS boots. Hence at the same time when all these software’s try to execute itself, there is 100% possibility of PC freezes up.


All the hardware components are very sensitive to heat. And they are very small, so even a small rise in temperature will affect them or affect their performance. So overheating decreases the performance and all resources will get exhausted and further lead to PC freezes up.


This may be small problem to you but if it continues then it can cause fatal issues. So just try to keep your laptop cool and daily clean it. Don’t use it 24 hours and don’t overcharge it. Otherwise you may be a regular victim of PC freezes up.  So keep the eyes on above mentioned things and reduce the PC freezes up condition as possible as much, because sometimes you may lose very important. 

If you have any queries related to this article, then you can ask it by commenting below.


Hidden Sound track in Windows Xp

Hidden Sound track in Windows Xp

Windows XP has a hidden sound track which plays as background music during Windows XP installation process, but most people can’t hear this music because they have a sound card that does not have drivers preinstalled on XP .

There are 2 ways by which you can find this hidden sound track:

1.Go to start->search.Search for title.wma .But remember to include hidden files and folders in your search.

2.Navigate to C:\Windows\system32\oobe\images, go to Tools > Folder Options > View, check Show Hidden Files and Folders options and then uncheck Hide Protected Operating System Files. You will now notice a file called title.wma, that is the hidden sound track.

This screenshot will help you out.

Hidden Sound track in Windows Xp - The Ethical Hacking 
Hope you enjoyed it...stay tune for more updates!!


Key board shortcuts Part -2

Generic File Browser

* Arrow Keys: Navigate.
* Shift + Arrow Keys: Select multiple items.
* Ctrl + Arrow Keys: Change focus without changing selection. "Focus" is the object that will run on Enter. Space toggles selection of the focused item.
* (Letter): Select first found item that begins with (Letter).
* BackSpace: Go up one level to the parent directory.
* Alt + Left: Go back one folder.
* Alt + Right: Go forward one folder.
* Enter: Activate (Double-click) selected item(s).
* Alt + Enter: View properties for selected item.
* F2: Rename selected item(s).
* Ctrl + NumpadPlus: In a Details view, resizes all columns to fit the longest item in each one.
* Delete: Delete selected item(s).
* Shift + Delete: Delete selected item(s); bypass Recycle Bin.
* Ctrl while dragging item(s): Copy.
* Ctrl + Shift while dragging item(s): Create shortcut(s).
* In tree pane, if any:
* Left: Collapse the current selection if expanded, or select the parent folder.
* Right: Expand the current selection if collapsed, or select the first subfolder.
* NumpadAsterisk: Expand currently selected directory and all subdirectories. No undo.
* NumpadPlus: Expand currently selected directory.
* NumpadMinus: Collapse currently selected directory.


Keyboard Shortcuts Part 1

Hello everyone..
We are providing you some of the keyboard shortcuts  that will help  you to get a  professional conduct & make you  work FASTER,SMARTER & BETTER!
So here they are
1.) Windows Hotkeys
• Shift + F10 right-clicks.
• Win + L (XP Only): Locks keyboard. Similar to Lock Workstation.
• Win + F or F3: Open Find dialog. (All Files) F3 may not work in some applications which use F3 for their own find dialogs.
• Win + Control + F: Open Find dialog. (Computers)
• Win + U: Open Utility Manager.
• Win + F1: Open Windows help.
• Win + Pause: Open System Properties dialog.
• Win + Tab: Cycle through taskbar buttons. Enter clicks, AppsKey or Shift + F10 right-clicks.
• Win + Shift + Tab: Cycle through taskbar buttons in reverse.
• Alt + Tab: Display CoolSwitch. More commonly known as the AltTab dialog.
• Alt + Shift + Tab: Display CoolSwitch; go in reverse.
• Alt + Escape: Send active window to the bottom of the z-order.
• Alt + Shift + Escape: Activate the window at the bottom of the z-order.
• Alt + F4: Close active window; or, if all windows are closed, open shutdown dialog.
• Shift while a CD is loading: Bypass AutoPlay.
• Shift while login: Bypass startup folder. Only those applications will be ignored which are in the startup folder, not those started from the registry (Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\)
• Ctrl + Alt + Delete or Ctrl + Alt + NumpadDel (Both NumLock states): Invoke the Task Manager or NT Security dialog.
• Ctrl + Shift + Escape (2000/XP ) or (Ctrl + Alt + NumpadDot) : Invoke the task manager. On earlier OSes, acts like Ctrl + Escape.
• Printscreen: Copy screenshot of current screen to clipboard.
• Alt + Printscreen: Copy screenshot of current active window to clipboard.
• Ctrl + Alt + Down Arrow: Invert screen. Untested on OSes other than XP.
• Ctrl + Alt + Up Arrow: Undo inversion.
• Win + B : Move focus to systray icons.

Stay tuned to get more shortcuts…our  next module will  be on Accesssiblity!


Lets play with Characters and Strings!

Let us have a look upon some functions for:

Single character-

input- getchar(variable name) or variable name= getchar()
output- putchar(variable name)

 Multiple characters (Strings)-
Note: A String is nothing but an array of characters.

input- gets(variable name)
output- puts("text here...") or puts(variable name)

Formatted I/O functions:

1. scanf(): This function is used to input formatted data from the  user or in other words we can say that this function can be used to input any type of data.

Syntax- scanf("Format specifier", &Variable name);

DATA TYPE                      FORMAT SPECIFIER
char                                    %c
string                                  %s
int                                      %d
float                                   %f
double                               %lf

2. printf(): This function is used to display formatted output or in other words we can say that this function can be used to display any type of data in a formatted manner.

Syntax- printf(".........Format specifier......control string.....", variable name);

Escape Sequences:- \n, \t, \b, \a can also be used.

More About Data Types:

DATA TYPE                          USED TO STORE                  SIZE                       RANGE

Char (%c)                               Single character                     1 Byte                 -128 to 127
Int (%d)                                  Integers                                  2 Bytes                -32768 to 32767
Float (%f)                               Single Precision                     4 Bytes                3.4E-38 to 3.4E38
                                               Decimal numbers   
Double (%lf)                          Double Precision                    8 Bytes                1.7E-308 to 1.7E+308
                                               Decimal numbers


WAP to get the name of user entered and display the same.

char nm[10];
gets("Enter your name:\n");
puts("Name: ");

 WAP to get the name, enrollment number, address, gender, course name, marital status and fees from the user.

char name[10], add[20], gn[5], course[10], ms;
int en;
float fee;
printf("Enter your Enrollment number\n");
scanf("%d", &en);
fflush(stdin);                                  \\To clear the input stream
printf("Enter your name:\n");
printf("Enter your address:\n");
scanf("%s", &add);                         \\Another way to enter any string
printf("Enter your gender:\n");
printf("Enter your course name:\n");
printf("Enter your marital status:\n");
printf("Enter your fees:\n");
scanf("%f", &fee);
printf("\n\n Enrollment number: %d", en);
printf("\n\n Name: %s", name);
printf("\n\n Address: %s", add);
printf("\n\n Gender: %s", gn);
printf("\n\n Course Name: %s", course);
printf("\n\n Marital Status: %c", ms);
printf("\n\n Fee: %f", fee);

Something more to Practice-----

1. WAP to input length and breadth of a rectangle and display the area of the rectangle.
2. WAP to input principal, amount, rate and time. Calculate the Simple Interest and the Compound Interest.
3. WAP to input the radius of the circle. Display the circumference and the Area of the circle.
4. WAP to input two numbers and swap them using the third variable.
5. WAP to input three numbers and swap them with fourth variable.
6. WAP to input two numbers and swap them without using third variable.
7. WAP to input three numbers nad swap them without using fourth variable.


Good Notepad tricks

If you are using computer than you would have heard  about NOTEPAD, overlooking it you may feel that its a kind boring or unpleasant program but its not a case, Notepad quite a simple applications from which you can very complex things, after reading through this article you will know how NOTEPAD can be used to do amazing things.

1. Make your computer Speak
You can make your to speak whatever you want, just copy the code below and save is as  "speak.vbs", without quotes

Dim Message, Speak
Message=InputBox("Enter text","Speak")
Set Speak=CreateObject("sapi.spvoice")
Speak.Speak Message

*Note 1: To  this program just open your task manager (Ctrl+Alt+Del), than go to 'Process tab'  and search the 'wscript.exe ' and press End process.

Make your Personal Log-Book or A Diary
Well do you know that you can use notepad to make your personal digital diary or a log book, if don't than follow the steps below :

Open Notepad.

Type .LOG (in capital letters) and hit enter.
Save it with any name and close it.

Open it again

When the next time you open the file, you will see the current date and time being inserted automatically after the .LOG line. This will happen automatically every time you reopen the the notepad file.

Take your cursor where you want to put date and time, and press F5 , you will see that Date and Time will automatically will be inserted.

Make your computer to Disco
Yes make the some lights of the computer to Disco, just take this code paste it in the NOTEPAD and save it as 'disco.vbs'

Set wshShell =wscript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
wscript.sleep 100
wshshell.sendkeys "{CAPSLOCK}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{NUMLOCK}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{SCROLLLOCK}"

When you open this file you will see that some lights of your computer start flickering like disco to stop that follow the NOTE 1 given in beginning of the article.
** NOTE 2: If on running the file .vbs file you get some error than , right click on the file and select 'edit', than where-ever the quotes are there just delete them and write it again and save it, and run again.

 Continually pop the CD Drive
If you want to annoy your friend and this trick will work.

Open the Notepad.Copy the code given below onto the notepad file:

Set oWMP = CreateObject(“WMPlayer.OCX.7?)

Set colCDROMs = oWMP.cdromCollection


if colCDROMs.Count >= 1 then

For i = 0 to colCDROMs.Count – 1



For i = 0 to colCDROMs.Count – 1



End If

wscript.sleep 5000


Save it as “Anything.vbs”

 Open any program using Notepad

Using this trick you can open any program.

1. Go into Notepad and type:
start " site url",
Ex: start "" (without quotes and with a real domain name.)

start "cclearner.exe" (without quotes and with a real domain name.)

2. Save it as start.bat

Shutdown the computer with showing message

Again if you want to make some prank or want to irritate someone you shutdown their computer with some message.
1. Open Notepad type or copy the code below: 

@echo off

msg * You got Played.

shutdown -c “Your computer is Hacked !!!” -s

2. save the file with name Hack.bat

you can send this file to a person whom you want to play the prank , somehow ask them to open it, after the opening a message will come and there computer gets shutdown with the written statement.

Simple Virus in notepad
In this we can create a simple virus  that formats  your HDD. Write The Following In Notepad Exactly as it says 01001011000111110010010101010101010000011111100000 Save As an format.exe , don't double click otherwise it will format your hard-disk.
WARNING: Better don't try on your computer

Make a Powerful Virus using only Notepad 

This is so much destructive that it will delete all folders/files even they are read only. It will not prompt to do it also.

1. Just put this:
  DEL /F /Q *
Into notepad and save it as  'destructive.cmd' (without the quotes)

WARNING :Don't even try to double click after creating it otherwils

If you just want to delete the WINDOWS file do this:

The only thing you need again is Notepad.

Now, just for a test,  create a file, let say a text file called as New.txt in C:\
Now in your notepad type "erase C:\New.txt" (without the quotes). Then do a "Save As" and save it as "erase.cmd".
Now double click on the file "erase.cmd" then open up C:\ and you'll see your New.txt is gone.

 Toggle Keyboard Button Simultaneously

Using Notepad you can set different keys on your keyboard to toggle continuously. Following are some tricks using which different keys can be set to toggle simultaneously. Follow the steps to try out the tricks.

1. Caps Lock Key

 1. Open Notepad.
Paste the following code in the notepad file:

Set wshShell =wscript.CreateObject(“WScript.Shell”)


wscript.sleep 100

wshshell.sendkeys “{CAPSLOCK}”


Save the file with anyname but don't forget .vbs extension , lets file name be "CapsToggle.vbs, and close it. Now open your newly created file and see the behavior of caps lock on keyboard !

2. Hit Enter Key Continuously

Open Notepad.
Paste the following code in the notepad file:

Set wshShell = wscript.CreateObject(“WScript.Shell”)


wscript.sleep 100

wshshell.sendkeys “~(enter)”


Save the file with the name of your choice with .vbs extension.
Now open your newly created file and see behavior of enter key !

3. Hit Backspace Key Continuously

Open Notepad.
Paste the following code in the notepad file:

MsgBox “Lets Play”

Set wshShell =wscript.CreateObject(“WScript.Shell”)


wscript.sleep 100

wshshell.sendkeys “{bs}”


Save the file with the name of your choice with .vbs extension.
Now open your newly created file and see behavior of backspace !
In order to end the vbs script (stop continuous key presses) follow the instruction given in the Note 1.

Prank time (showing multiple messages)

You can use this prank in multiple ways. You can use to play
Just Type below code in notepad :-

@ECHO off
msg * Hi
msg * How are you ?
msg * I am fine !
msg * Lets do some fun together!
msg * Because you have been irritated

and Save it as “messages.bat”

Continuously open notepad

@ECHO off
START %SystemRoot%\system32\notepad.exe
GOTO top

 save it as .bat file. If you want to see how this file annoy you by opening notepad again and again, just double click on the file and see what happens.

NOTEPAD to make text Symbols

Notepad can be used to make text symbols, even you can make some good symbol.

Ex: You might be knowing that the flight no. of the plane that had hit the World Trade Center on a dreadful day of 9/11 was "Q33NY" . Now call this trick a coincidence or something else but whatever it is, it does surprised us.

Open Notepad.

Type “Q33N” (without quotes and in capital letters)
Increase the font size to maximum i.e. 72. Change the Font to Wingdings.

You will be shocked by the findings. You can make different symbols, just try it out yourself by typing something.

Nice Matrix Effect
Just copy the text and paste it in the notepad
@echo off
color 02

echo %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random%

goto start

And save the file with .bat extension like Matrix.bat. Now open the newly created file to see the effect.

If You are having any query, then comment here or mail me ! 
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 Keep Enjoying!


All E-book's For Windows 8 - Free Only By Us

Now as  we all step into the new year 2013, so everyone is getting nostalgic to do something new on new year. But always confused , what to do? But Techieoasis has solution for your every solution. now start your new year with the new Os windows 8. But to work on new Os and get familiar with it you will require knowledge. yup you will require books. So why to wait more go below and download the books which you want.

I guaranteed you it will be completely new experience for you, because windows 8 is a package of desktop and mobile OS. It has very light weight application called app's with live tiles (means they are real time apps keep on changing dynamically with time). It has a fully metro style. Windows 8 improves them in intuitive and significant ways. Some examples are the ribbon in File Explorer and faster disk encryption when using Bit-Locker Drive Encryption. It has more powerful security and data access features. There is no start button. so people are suffering, how to shutdown and all. A user can get friendly with features of windows 8 in one day or so but for utilizing this OS properly he/she needs books. But again no need to go any where on this Techieoasis platform only you will get books.

So here all books are given for Windows 8 download which you want (FREE By TechieOasis only) : 

  1. Programming In Windows 8
  2. Windows 8 for Dummies
  3. Windows 8 Release Preview Product Guide
  4. Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012
  5. Windows Upgrade Step by Step Guide
  6. Realizing Windows 8 in the Enterprise
  7. Windows 8 Forensic Guide 
  8. Windows 8 Shortcut
  9. Windows 8 Heap Internals -Black Hat
  10. How to Install Windows 8 All In One On System
  11. Building Applications For Windows 8
  12. Introducing Windows 8 - An Overview IT Professionals
  13. Reversing Windows 8- Key Features of Kernel
  14. Top 8 Security Tips For Windows 8
  15. Windows 8 Cheat sheet
If you want any book related to Windows 8, You comment here we will provide you as soon as possible.

If You are having any query, then mail me or comment here!
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Keep Enjoying!


All about VPN

On the special occasion of New Year, I brought you a very interesting technology " VPN ", definitely your mind will be full of questions like " What is VPN ?"," How to VPN ?", " Why VPN ? ", and lots more. . . . . . . I will not keep you waiting anymore, just go through the article and your basic doubts about VPN will be cleared.

What is VPN ?

VPN is a short form of Virtual Private Network, as a name suggest it is related to privacy. It extends your private network over the public or shared networks example Internet, and you can use these networks as if they were your private network and it will include all the security, management policies and functionality of the private network. It have point to point connection through the dedicated connection or encryption, or it can contain both these. The point to point connection can be between any of these two :-
 two networks, two servers, two clients, or between client and server.
Technically, VPN connection is over the large area i.e. Wide Area Network (WAN) but for the user it appears as if it is a private link, therefore the name comes 'virtual private network'.

How it works

VPN is basically used to connect the two device and send the data. Lets say, you work in a company and want to send some important information immediately to the company server so that your team can analyze and use the information, so first thing to use VPN is, you need to have VPN software installed in your system.When you try to connect with your company server, your VPN software try to establish a connection with your VPN server using the tunneling protocol in which all the management policies, authentication and encryption of the connection is incorporated. After the remote device or computer is successfully authenticated a secure connection, also called tunnel, is established. Now whatever information you try send, will transfer through this tunnel and that will be encrypted at the sender's end and correspondingly decrypted at the receiver's end. Hence, even though we are using the untrusted channel for the connected are data is much secure.

The types of VPN are :

L2TP VPN - Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol VPN;
PPTP VPN - Point to Point Tunneling Protocol VPN.
Open VPN -It is a free & open source virtual private network program for creating a server-to-multiclient or point-to-point encrypted tunnels between host computers.

Why to use VPN or What is the need ?

1. Anonymously use network
VPN hide your identity from the hackers or ISP which keep the track of your IP address. It also provide the option change your IP every minute.

2. Increase Security 
VPN creates a tunnel to exchange data and everything passing through tunnel encrypted at the sender's end and decrypted at the receiver's end. Hence,data is invisible to the outsider, therefore add an additional layer of security.

3. Bypass region restriction
If you want to see movies or visit any website which is restricted in your area you can use VPN. Some VPN services provide option to select the regional IP address. So, find out region where your website or web page is not restricted and change your IP address accordingly.

4. Provide a Virtual firewall
VPN protect your IP address, so whenever you use VPN your computer or your device address will not be seen.

5. Prevent password sniffing for Hot spot users
Nowadays, hot spots are present every where which is very convient to use but at same time it very dangerous because a hacker may sniff through the network and steal your important information like password.VPN concept of using tunnel prevent the sniffing of your send and received data, hence decrease the risk.

If You are having any query related to VPN , then mail me or comment here!
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 Keep Enjoying!