Windows 8 - Reasons why it failed!

While a lot of people rush to avail of the cheap upgrade to Win 8 we stay back & look for the reviews...& money saved!
Point of concern....why my OS failed!
Win 8 was launched in the era where desktop & laptops were owned by majority of people...Tablets & touchscreen laptops still have to penetrate the market. Now you must be thinking why Microsoft launched my opinion Microsoft took it's users for granted because it a bitter truth that less people take pain to learn Linux & the Mac is not used by the only affordable & easy to use OS is provided by Microsoft.....Give it a thought, you are using Linux for quiet long time...I can bet on it you'll need to dual boot you system & keep Windows on the other drive..for sure!
Because Windows has penetrated deep into our day to day activity...we cant imagine a world without it...yes linux do solve our problem but not'll agree to this...

Coming over to the 3 major reasons for failure of Windows 8 & what we want in Windows 9.

Before Proceeding to rest of the article, just have a look at: -

  • Windows- Why Every alternate OS from Microsoft fails!

  • Howto Download Site

  • Ubuntu,a smarter choice

  • The Phablet- Next Generation Choice

  • Increase Your Internet Speed

  • TIME TO CHECK- You are veg or non-veg

  • 1. Intuition was lacking in Windows 8
    When windows 95 was launched with start button on the tune of start me up by rolling stone it was brilliant & catchy!
    Then Vista give away the word Start & so did Windows 7.
    Windows 8 have word Start but it have it in the form of text & some live tiles...this was acceptable by consumers but not appraised because as already mentioned in my previous article the effort of Drop shadow was mind boggling..& Windows 8 fail to take advantage of it.

    What amendment we want: We are hoping for the same intuition feeling to come back in Win 9 instead of expecting people to get use to the Metro UI.

    2. Mixing of 2 OSes in one

    Windows 8 is form by mixing of touch & type interface...this has proved to somewhat better for touch user but worse for the type user.
    We see Apple, he says Different devices different interface...unlike Microsoft who is trying to please everyone with the touch & type interface!

    Figures says that there will be almost 2 billion PC in use by the year 2014 i.e by next year & Microsoft should understand the fact & release an efficient OS as soon as possible to capture the traffic & unlike smartphones & tablets PCs have longer lifespan thus if Microsoft takes advantage of this traffic then chances are bright that the company will stay in market for long & with Microsoft monopoly most of us will be using some flavor of Microsoft for the next 5 years (at least).
    What if a company have 2 billion users working on same platform & all of a sudden you change the platform...this is what Windows 8 has done!
    Making you use to touch interface even if don't own a touchscreen device!
    Now a days you cant purchase a touchscreen or a tablet without Windows 8..thus in some way it seem to be profitable that you'll use to that interface before hand!!

    What amendment we want: We hope Windows 9 will come with two modes Touch & Type thus making our life lot more easier...although we know this is possible only by meracle but may be they'll find an alternative to it!

    3. Touch is the future...really?
    When apple can make millions from touchscreen then why can't Microsoft!!
    They fail to realize apple have only higher class customers who can afford the big price easily unlike Microsoft who have customers from lower to upper middle class!
    May be Microsoft tha\ought if Ninterndo can come up & destroy their XBOX with wii why can't they so the same for apple!
    Well microsoft have Kinect that is capable of producing some what natural interface like scrolling with your hand gestures....Zooming text when you are finding it hard to read. Why touch when you can signal your Laptop or Smartphone with gesture sitting far away from them!

    What amendment we want: We hope Windows 9 will really bring the Natural User Interface experience to the users & give a change in the Computing world!

    Windows 9

    In windows 8 so called tiles were not really intuitive. For example you happen to see the picture of your friend on the changing picture on the social media clicked it at once & this will take you to the Social hub not to the profile of your friend this is something really annoying & you have to search it on your own!
    Next important thing we want is Microsoft should forget about Desktop while designing Windows 9....yes forget Windows 9 because Win 7 is giving us great experience we just need is longtime support in the form of Patches & service packs as we had for Xp.

    Now microsoft have an extraordinary too THE MIGHTY KINECT & the wonderful opportunity Win 9 they have to utilize it by any how or else be ready to face 2nd failure after Win 7....

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