1. Hacking originally meant “making furniture with an axe.” Perhaps because of the crude nature of this technique, the word ‘hacker’ came to mean a person who takes pleasure in using unconventional methods to solve technical obstacles.

2.    Computer hacking was first practiced in the late 50s, when a group of MIT students prepared punch cards to manipulate an IBM 704

3.    In early 70s, a hacker, John Draper (a.k.a. Cap’n Crunch) invented a whistle that emits a 2.6 kHz tone used in AT&T’s trunk call switching system. He managed to gain access to call routing (and also a brief time in jail).

4.    Before they become billionaires, Apple founders Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak sold “blue boxes,” electronic variants of Draper’s whistle. Using the box, Wozniak called the Pope in Vatican City and introduced himself as Henry Kissinger.

5.   Hacking first went Hollywood in a 1983 movie WarGames, about a kid who breaks a DoD computer and in a scene he hi¬jacked a payphone by hot-wiring it with a pull-ring from soda can. That same year, a group of teens from Milwaukee hacked the Los Alamos National Lab where nuclear weapons researches took place.

6.    In 1988, Robert T. Morris, invented the worm or self-replicating code, purportedly to assess Internet security. The worm multiplied too well and caused multi-¬million dollar mayhem. Morris now is a computer science researcher a MIT.

7.    In 2001, Gary McKinnon hacked into dozens of U.S. Navy, Army, NASA, and Pentagon computers. He argued that he wasn’t tracking down military secrets; he was only interesting in finding suppressed government files on extraterrestrial life.

8.    It was rumored that agents of China’s PLA (People’s Liberation Army) hacked the U.S. power grid and triggered a massive blackout throughout North America in 2003.

9.    Scott Lunsford, an IBM researcher broke into a computer network in a nuclear power station in just one day.

10.    Charlie Miller a security researcher found a hole in Safari that can be used to hack a MacBook in just ten seconds.

11.    Tadayoshi Kohno from University of Washington found a way to remotely tell a wireless defibrillator to deliver fatal jolts of electricity.


  1. But i think hacking is increased now a days in much amount.

  2. Yup ..this is the era where people love to do hacking and want to steal privacy of others.......above i had mentioned only the starting of hacking. thanks Dinesh jumani
