Cloud Computing

 Nowadays, Cloud Computing is one of the trending technology and it is becoming an essential part for the corporate world. Many companies are shifting from their traditional way to Cloud computing . In this article I will answer some simple questions about Cloud computing  i.e. "Why Cloud Computing?", "What is Cloud Computing ?", "How Cloud Computing works ?". In the End is the list of Top 10 service provider of Cloud computing of 2012.

Why Cloud Computing ?

This technology allows business to reduce IT operational costs by simply maintaining software and outsourcing hardware resources.

Cloud is an optimal option when it comes to data sharing, that is why is use in industries is increasing on the fast pace.
1. It bring down the IT operational cost. Reduced cost of work which means GOOD FOR BUSINESS. Hence Cloud computing making its day under the Sun.

2. Cloud computing provides much greater freedom to share and use the data. As data is present over the internet a user can it anytime and anywhere by using any device (like mobile, tablet, computer etc). Since it require basic hardware structure so the cost of hardware is also reduced.

3. As in business Time is Money, using Cloud computing there is not downtime there is only installation of one application for doing all the work. Hence it maintains everyone in organization on the same page and reduce the time to update and installation of different software for different application, hence reduce maintenance price.

4. Security is most concerned issue in industries, which why usage of Cloud computing is increasing at the good rate because it provide more security than scattered network.

5.Ease of Access and Ease of Use, both the things are loved by the industries and clouds provides these in very organized way that why clouds are working.
 So many benefits and only few downsides, so Cloud Computing is a good choice for IT operations.

What is Cloud computing ?

According to the name "Cloud computing ", ' Cloud ' specify the representation of the complex network as a Cloud in the system network diagram and ' Computing ' simply suggest that the art of doing some work, mainly with computers.
All work is done by Web based service. Cloud computing run through Interface software. The Third party servers holds all the information software, your saved data and most important security.

How it Works ?

Cloud computing setup can be describes as two ends "Front end" and "Back end".  Front end is the user or the IT organization which have the Interface software like custom programs, word processing, etc,  and their licenses. Back end is the other end which is cloud provider.It is the network application servers and database storage. These cloud provider have all the hardware having capability of doing any work of any kind of application required by the user.

Concerns of the Cloud computing

1. User does not physically have the data with them, everything on the cloud.
2. Risk of hacking of the Storage.
3. All work become reliable on the Internet speed.
4. More Knowledge is required for implementing and managing clouds.

List of top 10 Cloud computing providers of 2012

10. VMware
9. Microsoft
8. Bluelock
7. Citrix
6. Joyent
5. Terremark/ Verizon
3. CenturyLink / Savvis
2. Rackspace
1. Amazon web services

Amazon web services is on the Top of the all the service providers this year. It is the dominant public provider of the cloud worldwide.

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