How To Create A Software To Block USB Ports

Virus is a program which infects computer and malfunctions it. Here I'm going to tell you about the program of c/c++ which will block all the USB ports of a computer. When we run .exe file of this program,then all the USB ports will stop responding/blocked. Whenever we connect pen drive with our computer USB, it will not be connected. Your OS will not be able to detect the Pen Drive.
Code is written to directly change the USB registry option and change its key. Not going to explain about registry in detail now, later will explain. You can do this by registery also by following the path, press start button + R->type "regedit"->HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE->SYSTEM ->CurrentControlSet->Services->USBSTOR ->from right panel double click on "Start"->change value to "4".
Creating usb pendrive Virus :-
  • Install Turbo C or C++ or any other c/c++ compiler.
  •  Open compiler->new file->there write the coding
void main()
system(“reg add HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SYSTEM \\CurrentControlSet
\\Services\\USBSTOR \/v Start \/t REG_DWORD \/d 4 \/f”);

  • Type the system and it's below line in one line.
  • Save The Above Program as usb.c or any other name. Compile and Run the above Program.
  • Congratulation! you are successful to create the usb-pendrive Virus.
  • Now a usb will be created where you saved this program. Get that .exe.
  • Run that usb.exe in your computer to test. Attach Pen drive to your computer usb ….u would say "shit it's not working."

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