Some file sharing techniques

File sharing is an important part of living in the digital world. If you are using any type of digital or electronic media, then you may have already suffered this problem and may have found some solutions also. In this article I will share some solutions which you may be old for few and definitely new for many, so go through this article to see what catch is here for you.
Among the several ways of File sharing few are explained below:

File Sharing without the internet connection:

This type of File sharing is done on the Network. At first, while reading you may think this is a lengthy procedure but believe me when you do it once or twice it will not take more than a minute to complete the procedure.

1. Go to Start and open Network and Sharing Center.
Start > Network and Sharing Center.
2.  Now select the ‘Change adapter.

file sharing using LAN configuration 1

3. Now Right click on the Local Area Connection then Properties. Now under the Networking tab, make sure that the File and Printer Sharing for Microsoft Networks is ticked.

file sharing using LAN configuration 2

4. Make sure that File and Printer Sharing is also ticked for Home/Work (Private) and Public. For this you will have to choose the option under the “Choose home group and sharing option” in the Network and Sharing Center.
5. Now select the file or folder for sharing. Right click on it and then select Share With. Now you have different options for File sharing. You can either choose Homegroup (Read) or Homegroup (Read/Write) or other depending on your preferred choice. I go with option, Specific people. Now, you have to choose people to whom you want to do the File sharing. After selecting click Add and then OK>Done.
You have almost completed the procedure of File sharing expect the last step i.e. Local Area Connection Configuration for your File sharing.

a> Right click on the Local Area Connection then Properties. Now under the Networking tab. Double click on the option Internet protocol version 4(IPv4)  and fill the blanks with IP and subnet mask shown in figure.

IP configuration

The IP address should be different and should fall in private range i.e. -, -, - Subnet mask must be the same.

b> To check the connectivity say hello to other computer using ping command. For this open the command prompt and write ping (IP Address).

Check result of ping. A successful ping will have sent and receive value same. Everything is completed for File sharing but till now, we havn’t know where the shared file are there. For this open the My Computer, click on the Network option present in the left-pane and choose the name of the PC whom file you want to use and open it. You can see the files and folder which are shared by that computer.

 A computer-to-computer (ad hoc) network:

 Ad hoc is a kind network which is a temporary connection between computers to other devices in the network. If you want to do the File sharing or data sharing like sharing presentation, documents, or want to play multi-player computer games, then you can use this temporary connection for File sharing. For this you have to create an Ad hoc so that other user can join your Ad hoc network.
*Remember Ad hoc network uses only wifi, so before creating an Ad hoc network check whether proper wireless network adapter is installed on your computer or not.
Following are the steps for File sharing using Ad hoc in Windows 7
 1.    Open your Network and sharing center by clicking on the Start button, then type Network and sharing and open Networking and network and sharing center.
2. Click on the option ‘Set up a new connection or network’, a dialog box will open in front of you.

ad hoc setting image 1

3. Now scroll down the list and select ‘Set up a wireless ad hoc (computer-to-computer) network’, click on the Next button and follow the steps.
ad hoc setting image 2

The WEB:

Today, you can find lots of websites which are devoted for File sharing, document sharing, sharing photos, etc. The list of names can go on and on but for now I provide you with the list of some famous File sharing sites :
online file sharing

           1.    FilesTube
           2.    4Shared
           3.    MediaFire
           4.    RapidShare
           6.    HotFile
           7.    zShare
           8.    Uploading
           9.    DepositeFiles
          10. ZippyShare


File sharing through email is common practice among the business because most of the files are very small. So, you can attach your small file with e-mail and sent to desired person.

Instant messaging

Nowadays, many Instant messaging site allow you to attach small with the message so you can also use these for small size File sharing.

Removable media

 As a geek you definitely have some sort removable media’s like pendrive, memory card, CDs, DVDs, portable hard disks, and flash memory cards. You can plug that media into the device, copy the files and folders and give it to the people to whom you want to the File sharing.

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